Over Christmas break and into the new year I have been reviewing my collection of images and deleting clunkers. In addition to freeing valuable hard drive space, this process has been educational. It has also made it possible to set new goals and standards for my photographic work. Addressing defects in the collection has lead to these new resolutions:
1) I will work harder at having the right lens at hand more often. Many of the clunkers need not have been so. The biggest clunker-maker is trying to use a telephoto in place of a macro. Yes, it is technically possible to take a close-up with a 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L that resembles a macro shot taken with a 100mm macro f/2.8L. The former, however, is a poor substitute that will invariably wind up being deleted.
2) I won’t take pictures that I know won’t turn out. The laws of physics dictate that if a bird is too far away or if the light is wrong it is pointless to take the shot, not matter how rare the species or how interesting the behavior.
3) I will weed images immediately after the shoot. Digital photography makes taking photos easy. Without diligent and serious-minded weeding, astronomical numbers build up on the computer.
4) I will endeavor to be more adventurous in choice of shooting location. It’s tempting to return to Brazos Bend State Park and Galveston’s East Beach again and again because I know that I will get some good shots. I have enough shots of Blue-winged Teal, Sanderlings, and American Coots, though!

© 2013 Christopher R. Cunningham. All rights reserved. No text or images may be duplicated or distributed without permission.